CHATHAM — The 4th Annual Gift of Glamor organized by Lure Chaussures Boutique is giving away free prom dresses Saturday.
It's not as easy as just showing up, though. Owner Contessa Houston said this year she is requiring girls to either submit a one-page essay or a two-minute video on how they give back to the community.
They can email the essay or videos to thegiftofglam1@gmail.com. Any questions, call 847-807-5419.
"I want to make sure I'm teaching the girls about paying it forward and giving back," she said.
"The essay is about a volunteer experience they've been a part of and what they learned from it," she said.
Or girls can make a video where they talk about their experiences.
Houston said her inspiration came four years ago when she met a young teen who cried while sharing her story about not being able to afford a dress.
"I wanted to give back because I was sure there were more who had the same story," she said.
The giveaway will happen from 8 a.m.-noon Saturday at her store, 319 E. 79th St. Any girl that submits a video or essay can get a dress, she said.
They must bring a current school ID and students have to be present to get their dress. Parents can't come without their daughters.
The shop is still accepting donations of gently used prom dresses at the boutique through Friday. Last year it dressed almost 100 girls for prom.